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freelancers mistakes:

  1. Slowing Down - The first money made is often the first sign of success in a Freelancer and/or Entrepreneur and it often signifies a job well done and a time for rest. The problem with this is that most of the time, taking that liberty slows them down in the process it took for them to get that first pay. Which just results in them stressing out again once that pay ceases due to their lack of work. Remember that the work does not pay out instantly.
  2. Not Leveraging Enough - Most Freelancers are too afraid to get reviews from their customers because they do not feel confident enough. But it is the best way to grow! Names, reviews and high-quality clients attract more of the same.
    Pro-Tip: To abuse this system you can work for free or even pay your first clients to do the job for them. Seems odd, but if you do that with some quality customers you now create high-level leverage right off the bat.
  3. Lack Of Tracking Numbers - Few people track their own statistics. They do not track how many people they reached out to, how many reached out to them, or how many sales they made. All of this makes it very tough to refine your process. This lack of responsibility in the sales process often results in less money in the long run.
    To make more money you must understand your process, from start to finish. Where does the potential customer first hear about you and what does the process look like for them to commit to a purchase? If you know that process you can then collect statistics and refine it.
  4. Spending Too Much Time On Things That Do Not Matter - If you are not making enough money you need more clients or customers. That means you need to find more people, not create a better process. Take personal responsibility. Find the people yourself. Stop spending time on making a pretty website if no one even comes through that website.
  5. Spending Too Much Money On Things That Do Not Matter - You do not need the best equipment. As long as you can do your job you can create income. Spend money instead on learning how to advertise yourself and on reaching out. Get more people in first. Then, with the excess generated, you can improve your equipment.
    I made my first YouTube videos using a webcam stacked on top of three books on top of two bar stools I owned in a 20-square-meter apartment. My first coaching call was done using the built-in microphone of said webcam. It worked.
  6. Not Treating It As A Job - As long as you treat your business as a side project it will remain that and the pay will be equivalent to it. If you want to take it serious then take it serious. That means spending the time necessary, not the time that is easy, to create the income you desire. Work is not always fun and it is not always easy.
  7. Betting On The First Draft - Profiles do take some time to create, but are often set in stone once they are created. The thought that goes in once ‘should’ be enough. But, be it profiles, ads, or reach-out messages, everything can be improved upon. Test out various things, collect data on what works best and use that as the new baseline. If you never refine your process you will keep betting on the first draft to get you everything.
  8. Believing That It’s Just About The Work - The work itself is a small amount of what makes a good entrepreneur good. Of course, if you do exceptional work, it is likely you will do better, but there’s so much more involved. Charisma, Relationships, Seriousness, Sales Tactics, Leverage, Leadership, Prestige, Quality, Quantity, Price, etc. Do not fail to learn every bit about what you can do! Stop relying on just your skill and do whatever you can!


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